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Pastoral Structure

Within St. Mary's we work hard to foster a nurturing environment in which every student can fulfil their full potential. Our Pastoral Care team work with each individual student, and their parents/guardians, to ensure they have as much help and support they need to progress through each key stage. All students are assigned a Form Teacher,  who delivers the Pastoral Care Programme during Form Period on a Wednesday morning as well as cater for their individual needs. Form Teachers are the first point of call for each student, and their parents. 

Principal : Ms R. Mc Laughlin

Vice Principal : Mrs M. Arkins

Senior Leader & SENCO: Mr D. Wylie

Head of Year 8 & 9:Ms J. Beedim

Head of Year 10: Mrs D. Wylie

Head of Year 11:  Mrs D. Dornan

Head of Year 12: Mrs L. Dolan

Head of Year 13 & 14: Mrs R. Flynn