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Uniform Years 8-12

Blazer Whites Royal P446
Jumper Hunters blue ‘V’ neck
Skirt Whites Royal P446 skirt (front and back 5 inch kick pleats) side pocket; knee length - colour and material the same as White’s blazer
Shirt/Blouse David Luke Blue with revere collar
Tights Navy only
Shoes Flat black
Hair Hair accessories should be discreet and in either navy or black.
Jewellery Jewellery should not be worn on any part of thebody with the exception of a watch and a pair of small stud ear-rings
Make-up Pupils may not wear make-up or fake tan. 
Scarf (optional)  School Scarf is available and is the only scarf permitted as part of the school uniform.



Uniform Years 13-14


Blazer Whites Royal P446
Cardigan Same colour as ‘Hunter’ jumper - pale blue stripe down front edges the same as in the striped blouse
Skirt Whites Royal P446 skirt. Back central closed pleat with buttons above the pleat - knee length. Colour and material the same as White’s blazer.
Shirt/Blouse Denbydale (David Luke) Striped blouse (sky blue stripe) with revere collar. Available in fitted and loose style (long/short sleeve options available).
Tights Navy only
Shoes Flat black
Hair Hair should be tied back. Accessories should be discreet and in either navy or black.
Jewellery Jewellery should not be worn on any part of the body with the exception of a watch and a pair of small stud ear-rings.
Make-Up Pupils may wear discreet make-up with no eye shadow, and no eyeliner.
Optional If desired: Official shower proof fleece (from suppliers) School hooded sweatshirt (available from school)

PE Uniform

O'Neill's School Jersey
O'Neill's School shorts or plain royal blue shorts
O'Neill's School leggings or any plain black sports leggings
Appropriate trainers for sports
Yr8-9 Blue hooded sweatshirt
Yr10-12 O'Neill's School half zip top
Yr8 only  Swimming costume and Towel

The PE Uniform can be ordered by selecting the button below.


Official Uniform Suppliers

17 Market St