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Designated Child Protection Teachers

Vice Principal, Mrs M Arkins
Vice Principal, Mrs M Arkins

Designated Child Protection Teacher

Principal, Miss R McLaughlin
Principal, Miss R McLaughlin

Deputy Designated Child Protection Teacher

Teacher, Mrs D Dornan
Teacher, Mrs D Dornan
Deputy Designated Child Protection Teacher

Child Protection Policy

St Mary’s High School


Child Protection Policy

The promotion of excellence through a caring, supportive Catholic environment

The central thrust of the Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1985 is that the Welfare of the child must be the paramount consideration and it is this essential principle which underpins the school’s policy for child protection.

All schools have a pastoral responsibility towards the children in their charge and should take all reasonable steps to ensure that their welfare is safe-guarded and their safety is preserved.

Our policy should ensure that each child feels safe and secure. Please download our Child Protection Policy here .