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Welcome to the Business Studies Department


Department Staff

Head of Department: Miss C. Murray

Teacher of Business Studies: Mr R. Mc Cullough

Teacher of Entrepreneurial Skills: Mrs L. Curran-Malone


GCSE Business Studies

Why study Business Studies?

If you choose to study Business at Level 2 or Level 3 you will develop a broad knowledge of business operations as well as gaining targeted skills in your specific field, such as customers, markets, finance, operations, strategy, business policy, communications and IT

  • GCSE - BTEC Level 2 First Award in Business (2018)
  • A Level - BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Award in Business


Unit 1 – Introduction to Business – Internally Marked and Externally Moderated

Learning Outcomes -

  • Explore how businesses operate
  • Consider how market research helps a business to understand the market
  • Investigate the use of the marketing mix (the 4Ps)

Unit 6 – Recruitment, Selection and Employment – Internally Marked and Externally Moderated

Learning Outcomes –

  • Know about job roles and functional areas in business
  • Produce documentation for specific job roles
  • Demonstrate interview skills and plan career development

Unit 2 – Finance for Business – Externally Examined

Learning Outcomes -

  • Understand the costs involved in business and how businesses make a profit
  • Understand how businesses plan for success
  • Understand how businesses measure success and identify areas for improvement  


Unit 3 – Enterprise in the Business World – Internally Marked and Externally Moderated

Learning Outcomes –

  • Know how trends and the current business environment may impact on a business
  • Plan an idea for a new business
  • Present a business model for a business start-up

 Pearson BTEC Level 2 First Award in Business Specification

A-Level Business Studies

BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Business

  • Internal Assessment – 42% (Unit 1 25% and Unit 8 17%)
  • External Assessment – 58% (Unit 2 25% and Unit 3 33%)

Unit 1 – Exploring Business – Internally Marked and Externally Moderated (90 GLH)

A business is any activity that provides goods or services, whether that is to make a profit or not. The common thread in business is that owners and employees are striving to satisfy customers. Nowadays, customers are more informed and have more options in terms of what they buy and who they buy from, so a successful business is one that balances satisfying their customers with selling products or providing services. In this unit, you will gain an overview of the key ingredients for business success, how businesses are organised, how they communicate, the characteristics of the environment in which they operate, and how this shapes them and their activities. You will also look at the importance of innovation and enterprise to the success and survival of businesses, with the associated risks and benefits. By developing relevant business knowledge and understanding, this unit will help you to progress to employment, vocational training and higher apprenticeships, or higher education.

Unit 2 – Developing a Marketing Campaign – Supervised 3 Hour Assessment Externally Marked (90 GLH)

Marketing is a dynamic field central to the success of any business. You will gain an understanding of how a marketing campaign is developed. You will explore different stages of the process that a business goes through when developing its campaign and develop your own campaign for a given product/service. You will examine the marketing aims and objectives for existing products/services and understand the importance of relevant, valid and appropriate research in relation to customers’ needs and wants. You will use given market research data and other information to make recommendations about the type of marketing campaign that a business should undertake. To complete the assessment task within this unit, you will need to draw on your learning from across your programme. This unit will give you an insight into how important marketing is to business. It will enable you to make an informed choice as to whether you want to specialise in marketing in employment, training or higher education.

Unit 3 – Personal and Business Finance –  External 2 Hour Written Examination (120 GLH)

This unit includes aspects of both personal and business finance. Personal finance involves the understanding of why money is important and how managing your money can help prevent future financial difficulties. It is vital you understand the financial decisions you will need to take throughout your life and how risk can affect you and your choices. This unit will also give you an insight into where you can get financial advice and support. The business finance aspects of the unit introduce you to accounting terminology, the purpose and importance of business accounts and the different sources of finance available to businesses. Planning tools, such as cash flow forecasts and break-even, will be prepared and analysed. Measuring the financial performance of a business will require you to prepare and analyse statements of comprehensive income and statements of financial position. This unit will provide a foundation for a number of other finance and business units and will help you to analyse profitability, liquidity and business efficiency. It will give you the knowledge and understanding to manage your personal finances and will give you a background to business finance and accounting as you progress to employment or further training.

Unit 8 –Recruitment and Selection Process – Internally Marked, Externally Moderated (60 GLH)

Recruiting the right people is essential to the success of a business. It is important that the processes and procedures involved in recruitment and selection meet the needs of the business and comply with current regulations. You will learn that successful recruitment is key to maintaining the success of a business, as people are often considered to be the most valued resource. You will explore the various selection tools and the enhanced use of technology in this area. Businesses with an effective recruitment process in place are more likely to make successful appointments. In a competitive labour market this is a major advantage and will support business success. This unit gives you the opportunity, through role play, to take part in selection interviews. They will need to be organised and prepared so that they demonstrate your communication skills in this work-related competence. This unit will give you a foundation for progression to employment, for example in a human resources role, or to higher education. Through undertaking recruitment activities, the unit will help you to develop the skills needed in an interview situation. You will have an opportunity to review your individual performance and analyse your skills for development.

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Business

Unit Number Unit Title GLH Type How assessed

Mandatory units - learners complete and achieve all units


Exploring Business

90 Mandatory Internal
2 Developing a Marketing Campaign 90 Mandatory and Synoptic External

Personal and Business Finance

120 Mandatory External

Optional units - Learners complete 1 unit


Recruitment and Selection Process

60 Optional Internal


Externally Assessed Units

Unit 2:

Developing a Marketing Campaign

  • A task set and marked by Pearson and completed under supervised conditions.
  • Learners will be given a context two weeks before a supervised assessment period in order to carry out research.
  • Submission completed using a computer
  • 70 marks

Unit 3:

Personal and Business Finance

  • Written examinations set by Pearson
  • 2 hours
  • 80 marks

Pearson: BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Business Specification

Career Opportunities with Business Studies

Career Opportunities with Business Studies

Business Studies students typically have good commercial awareness, one of the qualities highly sought after by employers. What is more important is that they are able to effectively apply their knowledge of industries to the job -

  • accountancy
  • advertising
  • banking, investment and financial services
  • general management
  • HR/personnel
  • management consultancy
  • public relations
  • retail management

Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills Development in Business Studies

  • Self-management
  • Creative thinking
  • Problem solving
  • Decision making
  • Working with others
  • Using ICT
  • Using Mathematics
  • Communication