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Making a Difference Award 2019

9th Oct 2019

In July three of our students and Mrs Arkins travelled to Cambodia with Camps International.The team began their adventure visiting the Royal Palace in Phnom Penh followed by a tour of S21 where they met with some survivors of the torture inflicted by Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge. They then visited the Killing Fields and were informed of the genocide ordered by Pol Pot. While the team found this very interesting and it was also very emotional.

In Camp Beng Pei they built and installed toilets and wells for local families. They also received a water blessing  by Buddhist monks.  

The team spent 5 days in Camp Beng Mealea, laying patio tiles, making water pots and teaching English to the local school children. In their spare time they climbed a mountain 3000ft high!

In the final few days of their adventure they explored Angkor Wat, the Bayon Temple and Ta Prohm. Relaxation came in the form of a boat trip on the Tonle Sap river.

This truly was a trip of a lifetime for our students and Mrs Arkins. However, it certainly wasn't a holiday. The work was hard and the climate was very different from our own which made working conditions even tougher. The work that they did was incredible and they have left their mark on the lives of those in Cambodia.

We are immensely proud of our students for their attitude and commitment to this project. We are also very proud of Mrs Arkins, who volunteered to go with our girls and made sure they were ok during the tougher times. She too threw herself into the work. Collectively they are an inspiration to us all.

To mark their achievements Mrs Sheila Darling, former Principal of St. Mary's High School, presented them with the 'Making a Difference' Award. Mrs Darling donated this award, which she had commissioned. These girls, along with Mrs Arkins, are very worthy recipients.

Camps International also presented their own award as without the enthusiasm of our students and Mrs Arkins their projects would not be a success.

Please visit the Camps International website for further information.